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Tony Gnarlington's Wingsuit Weekend

Tony Gnarlington's Wingsuit Weekend

Mar 29, 9:00am

1903 King Air Dr, Lowrys, SC, United States, South Carolina 29705 Map

Tony Gnarlington’s Monthly Wingsuit Weekend – Hosted by Anthony “The Kid” Zerbonia & Sean

Ever wondered how to become a real life Swiss army knife of gnar? This is your opportunity!
(Short shorts are encouraged, but not required)
The best part? It's FREE! You will only be required to cover your slots for the day.

When? The last Saturday of every month. Mark your calendar, cancel your we
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A woman and an instructor tandem skydiving. The woman is smiling broadly, giving a thumbs-up, while wearing a black shirt. The instructor behind her wears colorful gear and a green helmet. The background is a clear blue sky.
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