In accordance with the USPA Integrated Student Program (ISP), the Accelerated Freefall curriculum is divided into levels, beginning with the First Jump Course (FJC) and followed by Categories A through H. Advancement from one level to the next is predicated on the student’s ability to demonstrate mastery of the specific skills introduced during the level. Failure to demonstrate these skills may require the student to repeat the level.
The FJC, also known as Ground School, is classroom instruction only. Categories A through H represent the hands-on application of rules and regulations, exit and freefall strategies, canopy piloting techniques, emergency procedures, and other skills every AFF student must master. Instructor and coach support decreases with student progression.
Once you complete the A License Proficiency Card (which includes packing your own parachute), pass practical and written exams, and perform your Check Dive, you can submit your A License application to the USPA!