Learn to Skydive
Accelerated Freefall
Interested in becoming a licensed skydiver? At Skydive Carolina, we offer the most comprehensive skydive training program in the United States: Accelerated Freefall (AFF). Featuring a scaffolded curriculum, AFF empowers you to gain mastery of foundational skydiving concepts before graduating to the next level. This allows you to learn to skydive at your own pace, completing curricular levels as you feel comfortable, confident, and equipped to advance. Some AFF students complete all skydiving lessons in a matter of weeks, others take longer as time and resources are available.
Get Certified
AFF Prices

Step One: FJC

AFF Phase 1 Package

AFF Phase 2 Package
Learn to Skydive Curriculum
How It Works
The AFF training curriculum is divided into levels, beginning with the First Jump Course followed by Category A through H jumps. These levels encompass classroom instruction, instructor supervision, coach support, and self-supervision. By program conclusion, you will have completed at least 25 jumps and possess the confidence and competence necessary to pursue the A License issued by the United States Parachute Association (USPA).
Program Notes
- All jumps are recorded for immediate feedback and learning during debriefs.
- Jumps are repeated as necessary in order to ensure mastery of skills.
- Students must make at least one jump every 30 days to stay current.

Classroom Instruction
First Jump Course (FJC)
The FJC, also known as Ground School, features six hours of classroom instruction. Completed in one day, the FJC lays the foundation for your skydiving journey – it covers everything from rules, expectations and gear to each aspect of a skydive, wheels up to touch down.
Jumps Logged: 0
Instructor Supervision
Categories A-E
Progressing from Category A through E, you incrementally gain independence – first jumping with two instructors, then one, and then you fly solo! This segment of the curriculum teaches safety procedures, altitude awareness, body position, stability, and deployment.
Jumps Logged: 7+
Coach Support
Categories F-H
Working with a USPA coach, you’ll practice emergency procedures and work on turns, forward and backward movement, tracking, adjusting your fall rate, and more advanced exit and canopy control techniques. You’ll also practice docking, gaining an intro to group jumps.
Jumps Logged: 12+
Self Supervision
Solo Jumps
The final leg of your AFF journey is a series of solo jumps! Practice and reinforce all the skills you learned throughout the program, such as canopy control, navigation, and landing accuracy. Once you’ve logged a total of 25 jumps, you’re eligible to pursue the A License!
Jumps Logged: 6+

Check Dive
Demonstrate Proficiency
Complete the A License Proficiency Card, pass practical and written exams, and perform your Check Dive. Successfully demonstrate your ability to responsibly skydive independently, and all that’s left to do is submit your A License application to the USPA!
Jumps Logged: 1
Rules & Recommendations
AFF Skydiving Requirements
Make sure you meet USPA and dropzone requirements before enrolling in skydiving lessons at Skydive Carolina.
You must be at least 18 years old.
You must weigh less than 225 pounds.
You must be in good physical shape.
No alcohol after midnight, the night before AFF training.
Recommended: Make a tandem skydive before starting AFF.
You must jump at least once every 30 days to stay current.