How to Upgrade Your Skydiving Selfie to Skydiving Photoshoot
Tandem Skydiving
10 months ago
Skydiving Photo and Video Tips for Your Next Skydive
We hear you’re ready to take the ultimate skydiving selfie! You know, the one where you’re falling 120 mph through the sky, wind whipping, cheeks fluttering … sounds epic? Just imagine the likes and comments praising this skydiving photoshoot when you post it – ah, we can hear the crowd ROAR already.
But, there’s a little snafu in your plan, young thrill-seeker. You can’t take a sky-high selfie skydiving, but we sure can! Sit back and enjoy the ride as we jump into skydiving videography’s hows and whys.

First Things First, Are Skydiving Photos Worth It?
Is the physical proof of your skydive actually worth getting? Yessss! Come on now! What kind of question is that? Think of it this way: When will you ever skydive for the first time again? Hint: NEVER. Even if you go on to pursue your solo skydiving license (which we sure hope you do!), the magic of that first jump simply can’t be re-lived.
The closest you can come to revisiting the experience is through a video. AND, this way, you can share it with others. Prior to a skydive, people can be pretty darn apprehensive (don’t sweat, this is normal). Letting them see the glory of your experience can provide the motivation and encouragement they need to finally do it! Imagine if you’re the reason someone embarks on the coolest and most rewarding journey of their life … butterflies!
Okay So, How Do You Take Pictures While Skydiving?
Designated videographers can capture the thrill of the day with the perfect skydive pictures and footage with helmet-mounted cameras! At Skydive Carolina, we have several media packages to choose from.
Wait, does this mean I can’t take my own selfies while skydiving? Precisely! Sorry, it’s the rules. Taking your own selfies on the ground with your posse is encouraged, but in the sky, it creates a safety concern. Why? Imagine trying to hold onto a camera or phone while you’re going over 100 mph … it’s impossible. Now envision accidentally (and inevitably) losing your grip and having the wind rip it out of your hand, where will it go? It may smash into your face, your instructor’s face, or whack some poor soul going for an afternoon stroll down below – ouch!
Plus, skydiving for the first time is truly otherworldly. The adrenaline pumping throughout your body perfectly mixes with serotonin and dopamine and creates something sorta like pure bliss. This experience is once-in-a-lifetime and we promise you’ll want to be fully present for it. Watching the euphoria take over is one reason our instructors and videographers are so passionate about what they do!

How Do You Look Good In Skydiving Pictures?
We know you’re looking for some killer tips here, and we’ll give ’em to you, but the truth is that the best way to look good in skydiving photos is to just be yourself – don’t overthink it!
Smile. A skydiving face is quite a flappy one in the 120 mph breeze – shocker. When we smile, we pull that slack skin nice and taut!
Trim, tame, or lose the beard. We know, we know. You probably worked for months to grow those luscious face-locks, but we promise your beard flipping up and into your eyeballs won’t make for the ultimate skydiving photo. If chopping the food-saver off isn’t an option, braid it or tie it down so we can capture those pearly whites and twinkly eyes!
Pull the hair back. This is more of a functional tip as opposed to a “good photo” tip. Pulling your hair out of your face will prevent it from getting excessively tangled and out of your instructor’s face – it’s pretty critical for them to see where they’re going! We suggest a secure ponytail or braids.
Elevate The Experience From Great To Awesome
How can you up your photo experience on your own? Start on the ground! Heck – start on your way to the dropzone. Take selfies in the car, selfies with your instructor and support crew, and definitely snag some selfies after you land! Each photo will go down in the books as portraying the process of the best experience to ever exist – SKYDIVING.
The best way to boost your skydiving photos from good ole selfies to a true skydiving photoshoot is to get video and stills. Whether you do this with our Social Media Package or Xtreme Package, having both will really encapsulate the exhilaration of the day. Trust us, we’re the professionals!
All that to say, although skydiving all on its own (AKA with no documentation) is an irreversible misstep, it will still be a LOAD of fun. If you’re ready to channel your inner skydiver and live in the moment, book today! We can’t wait to jump with you!