Should I Go Skydiving?
7 years ago
In life, we often make decisions based on our wants versus our needs. When it comes to skydiving, few really need tojump (unless it’s how they make their living). Skydiving falls into the ‘want’ category and it’s the place where we’d like to begin on this topic. If a friend invites you to go skydiving, rather than Google, “Should I Go Skydiving?” the more appropriate question is ‘Do I Really Want To Go Skydiving?” Feeling unsure about skydiving is a perfectly natural response and that’s completely different than whether you really should go skydiving or not.
If you’re feeling nervous about jumping, welcome to the club! Everyone feels nervous!
In our 32 years of experience, here’s one thing we want you to know about this topic: those that choose to jump to appease others seldom enjoy the experience. Believe it or not, we see this often and it usually involves a person agreeing to skydive to prevent disappointing someone else.
Our advice to all our guests is to only skydive if you want to skydive. It’s important to be honest with yourself because when the door opens and that rush of cold air enters the aircraft, we want you to be nervous with anticipation and excitement as opposed to feeling like you’ve just made the biggest mistake of your life! The difference between fear and terror is significant!

Being Uncertain Is Natural
Being uncertain about making a skydive is completely natural – there is nothing normal about jumping out of a “perfectly good airplane.” If you’re feeling nervous about jumping, welcome to the club! Everyone feels nervous! Truthfully, we as skydiving instructors get a little nervous when our guests seem completely normal when it’s time to exit the airplane especially, as we experience some butterflies ourselves when it’s go-time!
So, if you’re wanting to skydive, but feel really nervous about the whole idea, you’re in good company! That said, it’s important to do your homework when deciding where to make your skydive. Skydiving centers (also known as dropzones) aren’t unlike restaurants – some prepare food better than others, so be sure to do your homework when it’s time to select where to make your jump! The biggest error we see the general public making about where to skydive is selecting a dropzone based on the cheapest option (not a good idea).

Camera flyer, Nick Falanga captures the perfect shot on exit. Photo by Jorge Alonso
You Want To Jump, But Do You Qualify?
After you’ve decided that this is something you want to do, the next step is ensuring you actually qualify. Not everyone can actually jump. Here’s a quick, “Should I Skydive” quiz. If you can select “A” for each of the questions, you’re well on your way to jumping from 14,000 feet!
Should I Go Skydiving – Quiz?
If you can answer A to all of the questions below, then maybe you should go skydiving!
1. Are you 18 Years or Older?
A. Yes B. No
2. Can you present a government-issued photo ID (Passport, Military ID or Driver’s License)?
A. Yes B. No
3. Do you have any medical issues that you may need to speak to a doctor with before participating in a skydive?
A. Yes B. No
4. Do you love Amazing Experiences?
A. Yes B. No

Tandem instructor, Ashley Fischer exits the Twin Otter. Photo by Lauren “LP” Piscatelli
Why Go Skydiving For the First Time?
After reading all of the above, there’s a lot to weigh and you may still be uncertain if this is the experience for you. You may want to take the leap, but is it necessary? Why go skydiving at all?
Within the news media, the risks are highlighted more than the rewards… and the rewards are many. To face a challenge and conquer your fear of it is empowering.
Here’s what we routinely hear from our guests, post-jump:
- not as scary as once thought
- builds self-confidence
- feels like therapy
- truly living in the moment
- feelings of extreme happiness
- feelings of accomplishment
- a new perspective on life
- feelings of a new beginning
- feelings of peacefulness
Should I go skydiving? If you want to and you qualify, we think you’re going to love the adventure! Feeling nervous or even freaked out is completely normal and our staff recognizes that – we see it every day! Our job is to help you get past your fears and have you enjoy one of life’s greatest adventures!
If you’re still uncertain, give us a call! We’d be more than happy to speak with you!!!