Faster, Stronger: Skydive Carolina Attains a New Twin Otter
Dropzone News
8 years ago

It’s, quite literally, a huge moment for Skydive Carolina! At 4:05pm EST today (November 11, 2016) this beautiful Twin Otter landed and she’s ours!
We’re excited (no–thrilled) to announce that Skydive Carolina has added a Twin Otter to its fleet. This does mean that the dropzone and our previous jump ship–the beloved Grand Caravan–will be parting ways, but she’s going off to new adventures and leaving us in the excellent hands of the world’s very best skydiving aircraft. The Twin Otter is likely the world’s most versatile jump plane in the turbine category, and
Why is this is a big day? Let’s take a look at the ways our new powerhouse is going to make jumping at Skydive Carolina larger than life:
1. This is a big plane.
The De Havilland Twin Otter is a big, beautiful beast. She holds 23 humans in that capacious cabin. That gets a lot of happy people in the air! Larger formations just became a lot more possible on any given weekend–and it also makes that quite-a-bit-more-than-anybody-could-reasonably-expect-to-pull-off big-way sunset tracking jump a (possibly forehead-slapping) reality. Get ready for the chorus of woo-hoo.
2. It’s even bigger on safety.
We’ve always prided ourselves on maintaining a decidedly safety-first perspective on aircraft, which is why the Grand Caravan always had her shots and spent her time with us under the care of a extraordinarily persnickety, heads-up mechanical staff. That said, the new Twin Otter represents an uplevel to even that–as the Otter’s twin-engine redundancy adds an additional layer of security to the equation. We love that. We know you do too.
3. It embiggens the ratio of fun to shuttle time.
The new Twin Otter is super-comfortable inside, but we know that what you really want is to be up and out of there faster, so you can squeeze more fun into your jumping day. The otter’s faster climb rate delivers.
4. It’s got that big ol’ door.
Pretty much hands-down, the thing that skydivers love the most about the Twin Otter–why they prowl around the country to boogies that have ’em, y’know–is that door. You have plenty of room to cram a bunch of arms, legs and torsos in there. Go ahead! Play Overcommitted Organizer Twister. It’s fun for the whole skyfamily!
5. It’s a big step for our fun-jumper-loving dropzone.
We founded Skydive Carolina because we love skydiving and we love being the region’s destination for sport, tandem and student skydiving. Sure, we’re head-over-heels for our tandem customers, as well–but this Twin Otter is very specifically a flying love letter to our experienced sport skydiving community.
We’re so grateful for your years of support. Enjoy the new bird, guys. Thanks, from the bottom of our hearts, for making Skydive Carolina your skyjumping home.