How Easy Is It To Learn To Skydive?
6 years ago
Have you ever watched one of those incredible GoPro skydiving videos and thought, “I wish I could do that!” The reality is, you most certainly can learn to skydive!! Not only is it possible, it’s very attainable to learn how to skydive and get into skydiving. Skydiving, like anything else, requires a desire to learn something new and an investment of your time (and money). So, how easy is it to learn to skydive? Truthfully, it’s never been easier!!! If you’re interested in learning how to skydive, lean in, we’ve got some essential tips that will help you realize your skydiving dreams.
Begin With a Tandem Skydive
Making a tandem skydive is not a requirement in order to become a skydiver, but it’s highly recommended. Even if you know skydiving is for you, it’s an excellent introduction that teaches you some key things:
i). The Feeling of Free Fall.
Experiencing what free fall feels like is huge because it’s a sensation that doesn’t compare to anything else. Familiarizing yourself with that feeling is one less variable you need to manage on your first training skydive which can be a shock to the senses.
Did You Know?
Did you know the sport of skydiving saw it’s largest growth spurt of licensed skydivers following the movie, Point Break in 1991?
ii). How Loud FreeFall Actually Is.
Freefall is loud! Few people think about this as it’s not often talked about, but it can take you by surprise. Discovering this and getting comfortable with the volume of free fall sets you up for success. Removing the elements of surprise from that first training jump gives value to making a tandem skydive first.
iii). Correct Body Position.
Welcome to a term you’re going to hear a lot: arch! Getting comfortable with a good arch position is a huge step towards being comfortable in free fall because a good, solid arch equates to stability which is the name of the game in the early-goings.
iv). Whether This is Truly For You
Becoming a skydiver will require both time and money and before you make these investments, a tandem skydive will truly indicate if your desire to learn is more of a wishful dream or something you really wish to pursue.
Many wonder if the recent video of Tom Cruise and James Corden will have a similar impact.
Accelerated FreeFall Progression (AFP)
Accelerated Freefall Progression (AFP) is a fancy term for the course that takes you from off the street to becoming a skydiver. The AFP course teaches you the skills needed to safely exit an airplane, deploy your parachute and land. The AFP program consists of 16 training jumps that adds skills to your repertoire on every jump. Learning to skydive has become much easier with the AFP program as it’s a training method that allows newbies to experience freefall right away as opposed to some of the older training methods like static line which introduces extended freefall much later in the program.
Video Debriefs of Your Skydive Helps!
Wherever you decide to learn to skydive, make sure that the skydiving operation utilizes video on your training jumps. Not all skydiving centers offer this service, but it’s an invaluable training tool. It’s one thing to be told what to do, and it’s another thing to actually see what you’re doing in freefall. Being able to see what corrections need to be made makes learning to skydive much easier than the days when cameras weren’t used for debriefs (which wasn’t so long ago). Today, it’s a necessity!
Indoor Skydiving has Changed the Game
Indoor skydiving (aka wind tunnels) have taken skydiving to new heights. It used to be that those that struggled in freefall were told to take up bowling. Today, if skydiving students are struggling with stability in free fall, there’s a solution – indoor skydiving! The process of becoming proficient and highly skilled in free fall is accelerated with the use of a wind tunnel. With the absence of packing and riding planes to altitude, skydiving students can get to the business of training more quickly with flying in the wind tunnel for two minutes at a time. While indoor skydiving is expensive, it makes learning to skydive much easier! Paraclete XP is an indoor skydiving facility located in Raeford, NC and is considered an elite training tunnel for skydiving students to the world’s elite like the US Army Golden Knights.
Indoor skydiving wind tunnels have become essential training tools for skydivers and have made progression in the sport much easier!

Easier Than Golf
Have you ever tried to learn how to play golf? It’s stupidly hard and takes up tons of your time! We’ve got good news for you – learning to skydive is much easier than golf (and dare we say, much more fun).
The technology used in skydiving today has made learning to skydive exponentially easier due to better equipment, training methods and the recent introduction of wind tunnels throughout the world. If you desire to join those doing spectacular things on YouTube, it’s obtainable! Learning to skydive has never been easier!
How To Get Started Skydiving
Skydive Carolina hosts a learn to skydive event every Saturday morning (listed as a AFP First Jump Course).This is where you begin after your tandem jumps and begin solo freefall training. The next step is to click below and schedule your First Jump Course!