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Describing The Skydiving Experience (From Start to Finish)

Tandem Skydiving

Skydive Carolina Posted by: Skydive Carolina 8 months ago

The Skydiving Experience Explained

How do you describe skydiving experiences? With just two simple words: pure euphoria. The skydiving experience begins long before you board the plane and stays with you long after you land. Skydiving is much more than just an extreme sport – how is skydiving done? It’s a blend of adrenaline, courage, and the joy of simply letting go. 

When we think of skydiving experience adjectives, words like exhilarating, breathtaking, and incredible come to mind. Join us as we dive into the heart of skydiving. We’ll explore the thrill of the jump, the camaraderie of the community, and the lasting impact this amazing sport has on everyone who takes the ultimate leap of faith.

The Anticipation

The anticipation surrounding a skydive begins way before you actually get to the dropzone. It starts with that first fleeting thought running through your mind: “I kind of want to go skydiving.” Then, it exponentially grows as you mention this wild idea to your friends, convincing them to join you. The hints of nervousness and excitement build as you secure your jump date, and before you know it, the big day comes. 

Arriving at the dropzone, the atmosphere is charged with energy. Everyone is there for the same reason, and this collective mission is unifying – the zeal for human flight is tangible! You’ll check in with us, watch the United States Parachute Association (USPA) Tandem Safety Video, meet your instructor, and gear up. 

Here’s the thing about skydivers … we’re not just a bunch of adrenaline-seeking crazy people. We’re far from it. Boarding the aircraft may be intimidating, but all of our happy faces will absorb any feelings of apprehension. Remember, veteran jumpers started right where you are – doing their very first skydive! 

The Skydiving Exit

Ever been in an airplane with the door wide open? Well, get ready! The roar of the wind replaces the hum of skydiver chatter, your heart begins to pound wildly, and every sense becomes heightened – it’s an electrifying experience! One by one, skydivers exit the plane. What is skydiving like? This moment feels both surreal and intensely real. 

Guided by your tandem instructor, you’ll peer out at the world below, feel the wind on your face, and with a little encouragement, you’re in freefall! Do you feel your stomach drop when skydiving? Not during freefall!

The Freefall

Many people are shocked by the sheer volume of freefall – whipping through the sky at 120 mph is no quiet feat! The transition from the controlled environment of the airplane to the vast expanse of the sky is a bizarre feeling and it’s wildly comforting to know your tandem instructor is a highly qualified professional. 

The resistance of air creates a sort of cushion that supports your body, and it’s not quite like free falling, but more like free flying. Think: invigorating, stimulating, and overwhelming (in the best way). 

The Parachute Descent

Although we don’t experience the butterflies in our stomachs during freefall, it is possible to have them while under the parachute. Why? Centripetal force during turns! The force pulls your body towards the center of the turn, and your body naturally resisting it results in the familiar roller coaster whoosh of the stomach. If you like this feeling, let your instructor know you’re ready for the ride of your life. And if not, communicate that – we can take it easy on the turns. 

After the thrill of freefall, the canopy ride is a welcomed refreshment. Cutting through the breeze, you’ll be able to soak in the sights and talk with your instructor. Laugh, cry, let it out – you did it! 

How safe is skydiving for the first time? Using the statistics from 2023 – when 3.65 MILLION skydives happened – 0.000274% were fatal. The majority of skydiving accidents are due to experienced jumpers (read: not tandem jumpers) pushing their limits. Skydiving is an inherently risk-present sport, but our community does everything we can to mitigate this, from ever-advancing technology to sharing a safety-minded outlook. A tandem skydive is statistically the safest way to skydive for the first time. 

The Immediate Bliss

Talk about that post-jump glow! A smile you can’t seem to turn off, happy tears, whoops and hollers, and all the celebratory things are common after-effects of a jump. Completing a skydive gives you emotions of empowerment, accomplishment, and genuine gratitude for the ability to experience it. 

The Long-Lasting Impact

Your skydiving journey will age like fine wine. Whether you will forever cherish the memories of a single skydive through your video or go on to pursue the sport as a solo jumper, the joy it brings never ends. 

Those of us who have chosen to make skydiving a part of our lives often reminisce on the what if. What if we let our anxiety win and never did that first jump? The thought is scary, because our lives are so much better with skydiving in it! The skydiving experience is the jump, yes, but it’s also a supportive and accepting community, a confidence builder, an opportunity to grow, and so much more. 

Skydiving Experience Quotes

  • Skydiving: because the best things in life are on the other side of fear. 
  • The only thing better than the feeling of falling is realizing you’re flying. 
  • Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane never felt so right. 
  • The sky is not the limit, it’s where the adventure begins. 
  • Why walk when you can fly? 

Each of these quotes encompasses the pure elation of skydiving. Come jump with us today and join in the tranquility – see you in the sky!

Related Article: 9 Tips for Your First Time Skydiving

A woman and an instructor tandem skydiving. The woman is smiling broadly, giving a thumbs-up, while wearing a black shirt. The instructor behind her wears colorful gear and a green helmet. The background is a clear blue sky.
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