COVID-19 Procedures
Dropzone News
5 years ago
Ready to Fly – Skydive Carolina is Open
At long last, we are ready to welcome everyone back and take flight! If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s to not take anything for granted. We love skydiving and it’s our goal to be good stewards of our sport, our community, and our guests. In this blog post, we’d like to take the opportunity to share what our new procedures will be as we try to mitigate the spread of the virus.
Our Perspective on COVID-19
It would seem that how we live our lives amidst COVID-19 has become a politicized matter and we have no interest in taking part in that conversation. It is our belief that data is required to make decisions for anything in life whether it be buying a house or buying stock. Until there is widespread testing, the dataset as it relates to COVID-19 is incomplete leaving us with the viewpoint that we should proceed with caution until more is known. Our mission statement mandates that we put the safety of all first, and to be a partner with our guests, staff, and community.
In order to continue with our love of skydiving and to stay aligned with our mission, we have put in place new procedures to help mitigate the risk. It should be made clear that participating in skydiving does bring people into close contact with each other making it impossible to maintain social distancing of six feet. In light of this, the following procedures have been put in place:

Our mission is to be a skydiving center that values safety, quality, service and innovation. We view ourselves as partners with our customers, our staff members and our community. We aim to inspire and motivate those around us while encouraging learning and teaching. – Skydive Carolina Mission Statement
Arriving at Skydive Carolina
All persons including visitors, guests and staff are required to check-in upon arrival and before entering the facility including the hangar and the student training center. This check is clearly signed – you won’t miss it!
Check-in procedures will include the following:
- Receive a temperature check.
- Answer a short questionnaire
- Receive a daily wristband for entrance
Any staff and guests exhibiting flu-like symptoms or having an elevated temperature beyond 100.4° will be asked to leave out of caution for the health of others.
Mandatory Use of Masks
A mask or a face covering will be required inside any of the buildings, planes and when social distancing cannot be met. Masks are not required to be worn during free fall. Medical masks, neck buffs or bandanas are considered sufficient as recommended by the CDC.
Hand Washing
Washing of hands is highly encouraged. Hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol) will be positioned throughout the facilities. Additionally, three portable sinks have been positioned in high traffic areas to allow everyone to wash hands more frequently.
The aircraft will be cleaned in high-touch areas onboard at the beginning of the day and during fueling.
The interior of each plane will be sprayed with disinfectant aerosol in the morning and several times throughout the day. Seatbelts, the exit bar and doors will be wiped down, however, chemicals will not be used as advised by webbing manufacturers.
The door will be opened at safe altitude to encourage air circulation.
Everyone on the plane MUST wear a neck buff pulled up over mouth and nose, or other face mask up until exit regardless of the use of a full-face helmet.
Until further notice, spectators are limited to two per tandem or two per AFP customer at Skydive Carolina.
Personal Interactions
Everyone is asked to maintain a distance of six feet whenever possible. Please respect distancing measures and resist fist-bumping, high-fives, hugging or any other unnecessary touching. When possible, use a barrier such as a clean paper towel to prevent direct contact with shared surfaces.
Seating around the dropzone has been distanced to help encourage social distancing.
Okay, Let’s Fly!
With all the serious stuff out the way, let’s fly and have the time of our lives! If you’re ready to venture out from quarantine and reawaken your senses and perspective of getting all we can out of this life, we invite you to join us!
Click here to get started!!!