CarolinaFest News
10 years ago
Hello CarolinaFester’s!
In light of the winter weather, you’ve probably not been thinking too much about skydiving or CarolinaFest (we doubt that’s true), but we have! Lot’s cooking up and thought we’d give you a couple of tidbits to warm you up as you think about the summer’s best boogie.
LO UPDATE – Have you looked at the LO Schedule?!
Okay, we know we’re biased, but in all seriousness, we don’t think there’s a better load organizer lineup than this! We’ve carefully hand selected these folks based on awesome attitudes and willingness to jump with anyone plus world class flying skills.

Taya Weiss joins the LO lineup! – Taya Weiss is known by all in the wingsuit community for bringing positive vibes and moving the wingsuit discipline forward. She’s the owner of Lightning Flight in California and the cofounder of Raise the Sky. Taya is also the most active skydiving traveler in the world – she is everywhere, all over the globe teaching and jumping. Of all the places she could be, we’re honored that she’s coming to CaroilnaFest 2015! Follow Taya on Facebook here.
Pre-registration numbers are the strongest we’ve ever seein in the history of the event! As of today, February 19th, 60 skydivers have paid cash money (well, PayPal money) already. That may not sound like a great deal of people, but:
a) It’s only February 19th… people are excited for the event!
b) Skydivers usually leave everything to the last minute when it comes to parting with money (any boogie organizer will confirm this), so this number is wicked impressive!
Based on these pre-registration numbers, we anticipate we’ll completely sell out before the event begins. If you’re not familiar with CarolinaFest, we do set a cap on registration to ensure the quality of the event by knowing how much we need to accommodate for… so, if you’ve not pre-registered and you know you’re coming…get it out of the way and do it now.
Facebook: Be sure to join the CarolinaFest Facebook page for more real time updates. As of now 268 people are ‘GOING’… are you one of them?