Can Your Dentures Fall Out While Skydiving?
4 years ago
Your Dentures & Skydiving
Interested in making a jump but unsure if you can participate in skydiving with dentures? Here’s the inside scoop.

Skydiving with dentures is a pretty common occurrence, and this is, in part, because of how common it is to have dentures. Did you know there are approximately 31.5 million people in America alone that sport a pair of false teeth? As the sheer numbers show, if you’re one of these groovy gummy folks, you’re not alone. As a matter of fact, we would go so far as to say you are in good company.
As we understand it, those pricey pearly whites are quite an investment, and so, it is only natural to wonder can your dentures fall out while skydiving? Sure you want the adventure of a lifetime, but you don’t want to have to replace your favorite pair of chompers when you are done.
So, can your dentures fall out while skydiving? Well, for full disclosure, yes, it is possible to lose a set of dentures while skydiving, but it is not likely. Like so many things, if you prepare for skydiving with dentures the right way, you can lessen the risk they’ll take a separate freefall on your skydive. Here are a few tips.
1. It’s All a Matter of Personal Preference
On a skydive, your comfort is what matters the most. If the entire time you should be enjoying your skydive, you’re feeling worried about skydiving with dentures, it might be a good idea to leave them behind.
Ultimately, you have the option to jump with them or to take them out. It’s entirely up to you. If you feel unsure, you can opt to leave them in an overnight case safely tucked away in your instructor’s lockbox. However, we know if you’re getting a photo or video package, you’ll want to be able to smile big and bright for the camera, so, may we humbly suggest no. 2 below.
2. Visit the Dentist To Make Sure Your Dentures Fit
Over time, the fit of your dentures can loosen. Like many items, with daily use, dentures can begin to wear out and from compression, the gum line below can change. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, dentures should be relined or replaced every 5-10 years. Although, it is entirely possible that you may need a reline or replacement even before that time has passed.
Ultimately, before your skydive, if your dentures feel loose, give your dentist a call. S/he might need to make a few adjustments, which will not only improve the fit but also the feel of your dentures, and give you the confidence you need to skydive with dentures!
Skydiving Has No Age Limit
While there is a minimum age requirement (18), as long as you are in good health, you are never “too old” to skydive! In fact, there are plenty of people who use skydiving to celebrate milestone birthdays. We’ve taken middle age mavericks celebrating 50 and 60, sassy 70-year-olds looking to mix up the typical birthday shenanigans, epic 80-year-olds, and even a few noteworthy 90-year-olds. And though we haven’t done it yet, we cannot wait to get a centenarian in the air! But check out this 103-year-old who went skydiving at Skydive Snohomish.
The thrill of skydiving makes it an adventure you will never forget and a really great way to ring in another rotation of the sun. By the time you begin celebrating these momentous birthdays, you have probably done just about everything under the sun. So, wouldn’t you say it is time for something different!? Let us get you in the air today!