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3 Carolina Skydive Deals Offered Now

Tandem Skydiving

Skydive Carolina Posted by: Skydive Carolina 12 months ago

Skydiving Deals You Can’t Miss

There’s no time like the present to experience the ultimate adrenaline-pumping adventure: SKYDIVING! Envision it: The sun kissing your skin, the wind whipping past, and the earth looking like a patchwork quilt from above as all the happy vibes course through your veins – it’s unbeatable! 

Here at Skydive Carolina, we’re passionate about making dreams of flight a reality with top-notch aircraft, best-in-class ground and air crew, and the best skydive deals. Strap in as we dive into three sky-high tandem skydive deals! 

Disclaimer: All pricing is subject to change, please check our pricing page or give us a call!

1. $50 Off Mondays & Thursdays

Weekday jumps are underrated! Although hanging at the dropzone all weekend or experiencing the buzz of a busy Saturday is awesome, there’s something special about the more low-key vibe of a weekday skydive. Typically, the less hustle and bustle means there’s more time to chat with instructors and local skydivers about why they do what they do – we love sharing our sport with anyone and everyone!

Here’s the scene: It’s a Monday (Monday’s objectively suck), you had an “eh” type of day, and you’re leaving the office. You have two options: 

Option one: Sulk about your day and the rest of the week on your drive home, pick up an “eh” level dinner, couch-potato it out, and then crash to get ready to do it all again on Tuesday. SIGH. 

Option two: This Monday can’t suck the life out of you because you’re dripping with anticipation for the second you’ll leave the office a little early and head to the dropzone to do your first skydive! Heck, maybe you even have a work colleague or two tagging along to take the leap with you! Afterward – when you’re high on life – you’ll head home, have the most restful sleep of your life, and prepare to talk about your life-changing feat the following day! 

We sure know which option we’d pick …

Tandem skydives have a base cost of $259 on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Mondays and Thursdays are discounted to $209 – a steal!

2. Group Skydiving Deals

If your friend jumped from a perfectly good airplane, would you follow them out? We sure hope so! There are few things in life better than soaring the skies with your best pals. Being engulfed in the emotions of a first jump day is something so new and potentially intimidating that having some familiar faces among you can ease the nerves. (Of course, if you venture solo we are more than happy to have you. Plus, the dropzone is the most welcoming place on earth, so there’s no sweat.)

If you do bring friends, we’ve got some hot deals. If you have 6-10 people ready to skydive, you’ll each get $10 off the tandem skydive cost. And, if you bring 11 or more people, you’ll each get $20 off the jump price! (Meaning, if you bring a group of 11 friends on a Monday or Thursday, each skydive would be $189 – SCORE!)

3. The Xtreme Package

The Xtreme was intentionally designed for being able to share your skydiving experience and relive it for yourself! Basically … it takes your skydive from amazing to absolutely mind-blowing, because you can relish in it over and over again. 

The Xtreme Package includes videos of your freefall and time under the parachute, still photos of your freefall, and one minute video clip that’s perfect for social media. Have you ever been so excited to post a video on Instagram of something super cool you did, but it’s over one minute? If so, then you can appreciate the frustration that comes along with your video being automatically clipped to one minute – causing you to miss out on posting some of the best parts! BOO! So annoying. The Xtreme Package avoids this potential mishap completely with the inclusion of a one minute clip, ideal for posting and including all the best parts (you’re welcome, hehe). 

Is documenting my skydive really worth it? YES! We may be a bit biased, but our reviews speak for themselves. Here’s our rationale: You only get your first skydive once. One time. SINGULAR. Even if you get a solo skydiving license and go on to skydive thousands of times (which we hope you do!), you’ll never be able to re-do your very first jump. We know avid jumpers who regret not being able to reminisce on their first jump – it’s a very exciting time and many of the emotions can be overlooked due to all the adrenaline, so it’s neat to look back at and share! 

Whether you’re coming from out of state to plunge into the great, blue yonder, or you’re a Carolina native – we can’t wait to have you! Questions? Concerns? Reach out! Blue skies.

Related Article: Complete Guide to Group Skydiving

A woman and an instructor tandem skydiving. The woman is smiling broadly, giving a thumbs-up, while wearing a black shirt. The instructor behind her wears colorful gear and a green helmet. The background is a clear blue sky.
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