10 Questions with David Fulk
9 years ago
Meet Dave Fulk
Dave Fulk has been an instructor at Skydive Carolina since 2014 and has more than 2,700 jumps in his skydiving career (1600+ jumps at Skydive Carolina alone). Dave LOVES the sport of skydiving and enjoys sharing it with his students. This week, we pose 10 questions to… David Fulk
1. What attracted you to the sport of skydiving?
DF: I took an AFF course and made my first skydive on September 4, 2006. Prior to that, I never really thought about skydiving. I was hooked before I made that first landing.

2. What influenced you to actually make the phone call to make your first skydive?
DF: I’m a spontaneous person and I love adventure. Someone brought up the idea of jumping out of a plane and it sounded like a cool idea at the time.
3. What’s the most memorable skydive you’ve ever been on?
DF: I finally talked my best friend into doing a tandem skydive with me. We both had a lot going on in our lives and that jump was a reaffirmation that life is good.

Above: Dave Fulk receives the award for the 2015 Tandem Instructor of the Year award presented by Drop Zone owners, Danny and Annette Smith.
4. Who / What inspires you?
DF: Humble professionals.
5. Of the places you have visited – what is your favorite place and why?
DF: Probably Texas. The people are friendly and the food is awesome.
6. What other interests do you have outside of skydiving?
DF: I love live music.
7. What is something about you that few people know about?
DF: I collect knives and always carry one with me.
8. If you could meet anyone in the world for a coffee and a chat who would you wish to meet with?
DF: Gene Simmons from KISS
9. What do you do for work? If you could do anything as an occupation whatwould it be?
DF: I’m a tandem skydiving instructor and wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I’ve often said if I ever win the lottery, I’ll continue doing tandems. I’ll just own a really nice, custom fit rig.
10. What are your future goals?
DF: I want to do tandem skydives as long as I am physically able to do so. Then I want to travel.