10 Questions with Andrew Happick
11 years ago
Meet Andrew Happick
How familiar are you with Skydive Carolina instructors and team members? Learn a little more about Skydive Carolina Tandem Instructor, AFP Instructor, and Carolina Turbo XP team member Andrew Happick by reading his responses to the questions below!
1. What attracted you to the sport of skydiving?
At first, it was the thrill of jumping out of an airplane. After I made my first jump (and second, and third, etc), I realized that there is much more to the sport than that. There are many disciplines to take part in and improve your abilities in. It never gets boring, because you never stop learning.

2. What influenced you to actually make the phone call to make your first skydive?
I had always wanted to go skydiving since I was a child. When I was a freshman at Virginia Tech, I was looking for something to do with my spare time. Once I found out that the school had a Skydiving Club, I immediately got in touch with them and made the call.
3. What’s the most memorable skydive you’ve ever been on?
Probably when I got to take my Mom on her first tandem jump, since I finally got to share with her what I love to do so much.
4. Who / What inspires you? (Answer does not have to be skydive related)
High level competitors in the sport of skydiving (mostly World Champions). They have done what it takes to be on top, and I hope to follow in some of their footsteps and reach the same goal.
5. Of the places you have visited – what is your favorite place and why?
I have been to many dropzones around the country, and my favorite is still Skydive Carolina. The people, facilities, and how the dropzone is run all come together to make the best dropzone in the world – Skydive Carolina!
6. What other interests do you have outside of skydiving?
On my days off, I enjoy taking my boat out on the lake and just riding around, or doing some fishing.
7. What is something about you that few people know about?
I can swallow a skittle, and then cough it back up :-o
8. What’s on your “bucket list”?
I would like to try powered paragliding sometime soon, and possibly have it become new hobby.
9. What do you do for work? If you could do anything as an occupation – what would it be?
I am a full time skydiver – I train, compete, coach, and instruct. I think I have my dream job, so I will probably keep it for a while. :)
10. What are your future goals?
I think one major goal is the same as some of my other teammates – to become a World Champion in the sport of skydiving (particularly Formation Skydiving).